Aaron's 19th Birthday
Well I just stole the pictures from Aaron's blog. Actually we wanted to celebrate his birthday at some place in PJ near Digital Mall, but ended up Kenny suggested that we celebrate it in his place so ended up thats what we did. Me, Kenny and Darius went over to Kenny's place first while Aaron, Mikhel, and Joel went and pick Kah Weng and Li Min up from dunno where also. And also they went and buy cokes and ice. Then they came and we started drinking 10 minutes after everything was settled. Halfway Kah Weng fetched Li Min back cause he scared she was so bored and all. What a lie la, more like he wanna spend some lonely time with her somewherexD. So we continue drinking and drinking, but guess what, some people anti social, play PSP, play laptop, read comic, sms-ing and all. Hahas well anyways time to post up the pictures. Oh ya and as usual, Aaron got drunk and we all went to Rock Cafe to play CS. Mana tahu, he was drunk till dunno what la. And then Evelynn the fuck face came to the rescue [Konon-nya la] Hahas.
We shall be like this eventho from 10years from now. Pengsankan our wives if we have that time... then we club xD
open 2 xD let me mandi chivas! xD