Dark Knight
Well it was last week, which I totally forgot what day LOL!..Woke up around 1.45 in the afternoon, then went and do the usual brush my teeth, bathe, lunch and all..Then around 3.15 I went and fetch Aaron then fetched Rafique and also Shaik from college..Then headed straight to Melisa's place to pick her up as well..Surprisingly she joined me and my college friends for the first time..As in like a bunch of them=)..Then went to One U after that to meet up with the rest as usual, they were late=p..Then we went to Yipee Cup to chill awhile while waiting for the rest to come, who are Darius, Joanna and Kah Weng..Then at last they came so went straight for the movies at 6.15pm till 8.45pm..Which it was like 2 and a half hours long..Seriously it was a great show..Then after the movie went and pee LOL!..Then went to Don's awhile to shisha, met Nelson and also Faiq there as well=)..Well then sent Mel home and guess what..Throughout the journey i hit some mercedez car near the Penchala Link there..So I had to pay her 700 bucks for hitting her car-.-..Great day huh..And you know whats the funniest part, my car had only like 3 small scratches, and her car was like..DENTED!lol..Anyways thats all laaaaaaa basically that happened, sent Aaron Raf and Shaik back after sending Mel home..Here are some pictures for you all to see=) Enjoy!