The sun and the moon will grow dark, And the stars will deminish their brightness=)

By BabyNgelZ
The 3 of us posing or candid?
Joanna joined the fun
Thinking of you??

Lol me and Tiff was like omg they damm poser weihhhhh..So we decided to do the same but a failed one=p

Acting cute huh
Awwwww so lovelyxD
Isn't she cute?=)
Who says guys cant cam whore??The best part is Tiff was behind me..LOL
Acting cool la

I was reading the bible??Sure or not?=p

Went to church late today..Was too tired which I do not know why..Woke up at 4.30pm when Aaron called me..Woke up then straight away went and bathe and all..Went and fetch him and Fathrine..Then headed to Taman Tun to fetch Tiffany out to church as well=)..Played foosball for like half an hour I think..Then after church went to Murni's since that Fathrine wanted to eat there but the best part is..She recommended us to eat there but yet she doesn't know what to eat there and asked me what should she eat-.-..Cam whored awhile then dropped Tiff off to Dj Villa for some birthday party..So went to Starbucks and study awhile..Saw Joanna there with a guy (I wonder is that her bf?=p) After that went and pick Tiff up with her friend aka lala=p..So went back to Starbucks to study awhile..Then dropped her friend back and also her since she said she got like service tomorrow at 8 or 9am tomorrow..If not later she will like blame me for making her so tired and all so yeah..After that went back there to pick those 2 love birds up and headed back to Subang..Went to Mamak 7 Star awhile to chill while we were waiting for Aaron's brother to come back to open the door for him=)..Well today's title may sound weird but its seriously a very good meaning=)..I got it from the bible=D

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