Charm Cheerleading Championship 2008

By BabyNgelZ
Okay Yee Ming just called me to ask me whether do I wanna join or not for the Japan team..How??!!I really want to but i cant commit and all..But i seriously wanna join..I'm in a dilemma again-.-

Posing siall
My ass!lol
Learning thai take 1
Learning thai take 2
Girlfriend take 1
Girlfriend take 2
Take 3
And also take 4..Lol
What was I looking at till I'm smiling?=)
Wah stress stress stress
Sue Hsia=)
Estelle was there but Edwina wasn't huh
Belinda was damm hot
Amber was there too

She is seriously damm hot!
Jessica the naughty girl who always disobey me during practice

Dennis Yin the macho man=)
Jolene, Elaine, Vivian=)
Make you do the double take!
Cupid sial
Front tuck dismounts=)

Finally its over and I'm at least slightly free again now..Well have been thinking a lot and I finally decided not to go to Japan cause I don't think i can commit a lot for the competing team and all and also I'm afraid that I will pull down the team's quality and all so yeah..I'm sorry kay Yee Ming and Chee Wei..And talking about Charm Cheerleading Championship, it was a very successful one this year..At least more teams competed this year and it was more crowded than before..Congratulations to the teams that won for the dance and stunts division as well=)..Well here are some pictures during the competition..And also the crowd were like damm wild cause Thailand, Rainbows performed and did like all the crazy stunts and so as Charm of course=) And also sorry for the late post..This was supposed to be posted last week..LOL

2 comments so far.

  1. Jessica Lee April 2, 2008 at 5:36 PM
    Since when i disoney u wor..=(
  2. Jessica Lee April 2, 2008 at 5:42 PM

Something to say?